Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.10.x

• Up your skills in Machine Learning and Image Classification in days, not months!

• Master the rapidly evolving technologies in Transfer Learning and Computer Vision!

Deploy and share your models between mobile phones with a unique, no-code tool PalletML
(Free, 90-day Pro-Plan with our mini-course)

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4 Mini-Courses in a Bundled Pack!

Quick TensorFlow's video lessons, practical projects, Colab notebooks and supplementary materials are designed to get you started building and deploying machine learning models in the real world as quickly as possible.

1 transfer learning

Transfer Learning

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Deep Learning Essentials

Optimizing model performance

Optimizing Model Performance

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Model Deployment

Hands-On Resources

  • 18+
    On-Demand Video Lessons
  • 20+
    Downloadable Resources
  • Lifetime Access to Course Materials
  • $0
    PalletML Pro: deploy unlimited models free for 3 months

Using modern machine learning platforms and frameworks

Master the Machine Learning Workflow

We'll guide you through an end-to-end ML workflow:

  1. Download and prepare training data from TensorFlow Datasets, or use your own custom images

  2. Build and train a powerful machine learning model for image classification

  3. Optimize your models for mobile devices with TensorFlow Lite

  4. Deploy your models to Android in minutes using PalletML , a no-code machine learning platform

Import training data from TensorFlow Datasets

TensorFlow Datasets is a collection of datasets ready to use with the TensorFlow machine learning framework.

We'll teach you best-practices for building performant data pipelines for your machine learning models. 

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Build powerful models using Transfer Learning

With Transfer Learning, you can use the "knowledge" from existing pre-trained models to empower your own custom models. 

This course includes an in-depth discussion of various CNN architectures that you can use as a "base" for your models, including: MobileNet, EfficientNet, ResNet, and Inception

We then demonstrate how you can acess these models through both the Keras API and TensorFlow Hub.

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Apply techniques to optimize model performance

Discover essential techniques that ensure your classification models perform well in production, starting with the best way to train-test split datasets and create validation subsets to avoid overfitting.

Learn how to effectively apply optimization strategies like hyper-parameter tuning and fine-tuning to improve training and validation accuracy, while comparing various optimization algorithms including SGD and Adam.

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Deploy your models to mobile, No code necessary

When you create an image classification model, the first thing you want to do is try it in the real world! But integrating machine learning models into usable applications can be challenging.

This course gives you early access to a new tool called PalletML , that lets you to deploy your image classification model to an Android app without any extra code.

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    Quickly deploy image classification models

    Just upload your TensorFlow Lite model + labels, and Pallet takes care of hosting and serving your model through a mobile app. If you host your models on Google Drive, you can even deploy them right from your phone.

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    Tune inference settings to support various classifiers

    Configure real-time preprocessing options for images before model inference for improved accuracy: resizing, inversion, and grayscaling operations are available out-of-the-box.

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    Check your model's performance

    Save predictions for later review, and filter through them using a custom interface designed for evaluating classification results.

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    Share your model with friends & colleagues

    Easily send your model to any number of friends and colleagues from within the Pallet app. A unique link is generated for each model that you deploy and opens directly to your model when activated.

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    Direct access to community models

    The ML community has deployed numerous classifiers - from flower recognizers to clothing detectors - all direcly accessible in the Pallet app.

Ready to become a machine learning practitioner?

Join our growing community today 🤝
We're adding new material to the course all the time!
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$ per user


Pallet Beta Launch Discount
  • ✓
    18+ on-demand video lessons
  • ✓
    20+ Colab notebooks
  • ✓
    10+ supplementary tutorials
  • ✓
    PalletML Pro
    3 free months to deploy unlimited models
  • ✓
    Lifetime access to the course

Meet Your Instructor

Nice to meet you and hope you enjoy the course!

  • Qtf instructor
    Dr. Anthony Teate

    Dr. Teate is a tenured Professor at James Madison University , and Director of the Data Science and Applied Machine Learning Laboratory.

    His current areas of research include development and applications of machine learning models for the design of nanoscale semiconducting materials; small scale autonomous vehicles; image recognition; edge computing; and deep learning.

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